星期六, 8月 19, 2006


Nothing much, was thinking to write myself a new message for my newly setup blog. Today is Saturday, I am not going out anywhere, recovering from my heavy flu and fever. This is good enough for me as finally there is a time I am staying with myself alone. Not going out with anyone i dislike, not thinking whether if this is a right way for me to choose my path, just stay home with a peaceful mind, Inez talking with Inez. :)

Feeling blue, it might because the flu infection. I wan to feel the wind and the wave to calm down my messy thinking. Feeling to cry, thats what gal did when they feeling lost and blue, its very hard to catch up. Dont you think so?



过去的一年里听到最多的问句是-“ 你还好吗? ” 我生了一场大病,是的,很大很大的一场大病。没有特别的症状,没有任何的准备,我的生活就这样的被按下了pause button。我已不敢回想过去的一年我是怎么过来的,身体上,心灵上,不管我愿不愿意,它们都一一的被狠狠的打掉重练。这就是...